Chocolate Banana Milk Kanten (チョコバナナミルク寒天)
My daughter's favourite!
Banana, Milk and Chocolate. There is no doubt that everyone would be delighted with this combination. For me, this dessert brings back fond memories of a classic Japanese festival sweet: "Chocolate Banana" 「チョコバナナ」, which is a fresh banana covered with chocolate and sprinkles on top.
This dessert is perfect for kids' birthday parties and family reunions. Everyone from toddlers to seniors can enjoy!

-2 Bananas (バナナ 2本)
-Milk (牛乳) 300ml
-Kanten Powder (粉寒天) 2g
-Sugar (砂糖) 40g
-Vanilla Essence (バニラエッセンス) a couple of drops
*The sweetness can be adjusted as desired (甘さはお好みでご調整ください。)
-Milk Chocolate (ミルクチョコレート)
-*Topping sprinkles (トッピング用スプリンクル) as desired.


1. Slice a banana into 2cm pieces and apply lemon juice on the sliced bananas. Put the sliced bananas into a container.
2. Seperately, mix milk (that has been warmed to room temperature.), sugar and kanten powder in a sauce pan.
3. Boil the mix (2.) for at least 3 minutes. Continue stirring while heating so that the kanten powder is completely dissolved.
4. Turn down the heat and add vanilla essence. Stir well.
5. Remove from heat and strain the mix into a bowl.
6. Pour the strained mix into the container with the sliced bananas.
7. Allow to cool in the fridge.
8. Cut the cooled kanten into square sizes and decorate them with melted chocolate (and sprinkles).
9. Allow to cool in the fridge again and serve as desired.
8. バナナに沿って四角くカットし、湯煎したチョコレートでデコレーションしましょう (お好みでスプリンクルもおかけください)。
9. 再び冷蔵庫で少し冷やしてチョコを固めたら出来上がりです。