Healthy Tropical Fruit Smoothie (ヘルシートロピカルスムージー)

My current favorite "healthy smoothie" is this cute pink one.
Make sure to use frozen pink dragon fruits in a package of frozen tropical fruits, so that you can get this cute pink colour for a smoothie.  
Just making a normal smoothie is not satisfying enough. My idea is this;
By adding soft and juicy kanten to your favourite drinks, you can receive following great benefits!

- Kanten itself has no calories, but its 80% dietary fibre content gives you a sense of fullness, while also controlling blood sugar level.
- Your drink won't become diluted because kanten doesn't melt in your glass when combined with other drinks (as long as it's below 80℃). You can use icy cold kanten as an alternative to ice cubes.
- Kanten can add a layer of texture to your drink for your enjoyment.

Please stay healthy with this healthy tropical fruit smoothies♡



<Juicy and smooth kanten>


-Kanten Powder (粉寒天) 2.5-3g
-Water (水) 1000ml
*Sugar (砂糖) or sweetner of your choice (if desired)


1. In a pan, mix water and kanten powder.
(Those who want to add some sweetness can add sugar, maple syrup, or sweetener of your choice.)
2. Boil the mix until kanten becomes completely dissolved (2-3 minutes after boiling).
3. Turn off the heat and pour the mix into a container and let cool in the fridge.
4. Scoop the kanten with spoon and top it on the pink smoothie and enjoy!




1. 水と粉寒天を鍋に入れて混ぜます。
2. 火にかけて沸騰してから、中火で粉寒天が完全に溶けるまで混ぜながら2-3分ほど煮ましょう。
3. 寒天が完全に溶けたら火を止めます。寒天液を容器に注ぎ冷蔵庫でよく冷やしましょう。
4. スプーンですくってスムージーの上に乗せてお楽しみください!



<Tropical Fruit Smoothie>


-Frozen tropical fruits 1cup (フローズン・トロピカルフルーツ 1カップ)
-One Frozen banana (バナナ1本)
-Plain yogurt 3-4tbsp (プレーンヨーグルト 大3-4)
-Milk 200ml (ミルク 200ml))
*You can adjust milk quantity depending on your favourite texture.
-Honey 2tbsp (ハチミツ 大2)
*You can adjust the sweetness as desired.


1. Slice a frozen banana.
2. Pour all ingredients (banana, frozen fruits, yogurt, milk and honey) into a food processor or juicer and puree them.
*Please add more/less milk and honey as desired.
3. Pour the puree into a glass and add the soft kanten (Instructions are above).
4. Enjoy the smoothie with a spoon or straw.




1. 凍らせたバナナをスライスする。
2. 全ての材料をフードプロセッサーもしくはジューサーへ入れてピューレ上にする。
3. スムージーをグラスに注ぎ、上記レシピの寒天を乗せます。
4. スプーンやストローでお楽しみください!




↓ Check out our Kanten powders ↓


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