Fruit Tomato Kanten Dessert (フルーツトマト寒天デザート)

Tomatoes become super sweet in summer.
I really enjoyed making this Fruit Tomato Kanten because it's so colourful like fruits and actually so sweet!!
People who don't like tomatoes, please try this recipe! It’s very refreshing, healthy and delicious.
I really recommend using fruit tomatoes for a dessert !
I really recommend using fruit tomatoes for a dessert !

[Ingredients for 2 servings]
-Mini fruit tomatoes 20-25 *Peel the skin off.
-Water 250ml
-Kanten powder 1-1.5g
-White wine 2 tbsp
-Sugar 45g
-Lemon juice 1tsp
-Fresh mints 6-8 leaves
1. Pour water, kanten powder and white wine into a saucepan.
2. Stir well. Then, turn on the heat to medium.
3. Boil the mix until kanten becomes completely dissolved with medium to low heat (I recommend to continue boiling for 3-4 minutes after boiling).
4. Add sugar and stir well until sugar becomes completely dissolved.
5. Turn off the heat and add lemon juice. Stir well.
6. Place mini tomatoes in glass cups and slowly pour the kanten mix over the tomatoes. Decorate mint leaves on top.
7. Cool the cups well in the fridge for at least 30 mins, and then enjoy the cool tomato kanten dessert at home!
*1) With 1 g of kanten powder, the kanten jelly will become vey soft like a gelée, which I like. if you would like harder jelly like gelatin jelly, please use 1.5g of kanten powder.
**2) To keep tomato's shape, I placed the tomatoes directly to the glass, however you can add tomatoes to a saucepan to gives tomato flavors' to kanten mix. That case, pls add tomatoes when lemon juice are poured (at process no.5).
-ミニフルーツトマト 20-25個ほど
-粉寒天 1-1.5g
-水 250ml
-白ワイン 大さじ2
-砂糖 45g
-レモン汁 小さじ1
-レモン汁 小さじ1
-ミントの葉 6‐8枚ほど