Korean Japchae with Kanten Noodles (韓国風チャプチェを寒天麺で)

Japchae チャプチェ is a savoury and slightly sweet dish of stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables that is popular in Korean cuisine. Typically cellophane noodles made from sweet potato starch are used for this dish. But, if you like to eat a lot while limiting some calories, we have a solution for you!
Instead of the cellophane noodles (351 calories per 100g), let’s use Kanten Noodles (or Kanten salad flakes)! As you know Kanten noodles themselves virtually no calories and are an excellent source of dietary fibre (80% by content) intake. It's delicious and healthier than normal Japchae.

<Korean Japchae with Kanten Noodles Recipe>

[Ingredients for 4 servings]

-Kanten Noodles 2 packets (寒天麺1袋)*1 package has 5 packets for 5 servings.
(Or Kanten Salad Flakes (寒天サラダ)10g)
-Carrot 1(ニンジン)
-Onion 1(玉ねぎ)
-Red pepper 1 (赤ピーマン)
-Baby spinach 2 handfuls(ベビーほうれん草、二掴み分)
-Green onion A handful(長ネギ、一掴み分)
-Mushroom 1pack(キノコ1パック)*Use your favourite mushrooms. I used shimeji しめじ mushroom.
-Thin sliced pork or beef (薄切り豚肉または牛肉)100g
*If you want to make it a vegan version, please skip this ingredient and you can add more mushrooms.


-Soy sauce 3 tbsp(醤油大3)
-Sugar 1tbsp(砂糖大1)
-Mirin 2tbsp(みりん大2)
-Sake 1tbsp(酒大1)
-Grated garlic 1clove (すりおろしニンニク1かけら分)
-Sesami 1tbsp(ごま大1)


Sesami oil, salt and pepper for a pan-fly



1. Let's mix Sauce ingredients well.
2. Soak the Kanten Noodles in water for 5 mins. Drain off the water thoroughly from the Kanten.
3. Thinly cut all the veggies except spinach to the same size.
4. Lightly stir-fry the veggies separately beginning with onion, then carrot, red pepper, spinach, mushrooms, green onions and pork or beef at last. 
5. Put the stir-fried veggies and meat along with the (2.)Kanten Noodles in a bowl.
6. Boil or microwave the (1.) sauce lightly and then add to the bowl. Mix all the ingredients and sauce well. Pour some sesame seeds on top and enjoy!
*Please add chilli powder (shichimi 七味) if you like the Japche spicy.



1. 先ずはソースの材料を合わせておきます。
2. 寒天麺を水に5分ほど浸けて戻したら水をよく切ります。
3. ほうれん草以外の野菜を細切りにします。
4. ごま油と塩を軽く振って野菜を順番に軽く炒めます。玉ねぎ、ニンジン、赤ピーマン、キノコ、長ネギの順に炒め、最後に肉を炒めます。
5. 順番に炒めた材料と2. 寒天麺をボウルに入れます。
6. ソースを軽く火にかけてから(またはレンジしてから)ボウルに加えてよく混ぜてください。


↓ Check out our Kanten products↓


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